The Best React pluralsight courses
React is a Javascript library, developed in 2013 by Jordan Walke of Facebook.
You’ll find React is both very popular (it’s the 5th most starred JS library on GitHub) and used on major
sites including on Facebook, Netflix, and Khan Academy. You’ll love the flexibility of using React with your favorite web
technologies (except for jQuery!), and this path will take you from the fundamentals all the way up to building full apps with
custom styling.
This path is intended for a novice learner with no prior experience in React. Prior knowledge and understanding of JavaScript is required. Prerequisite path: JavaScript Skill Path
What you will learn:
- Component state
- Props object
- Component lifecycle
- Events and event binding
- React forms
- Performance enhancements
- Styling
List of Courses :
1 React- The Big Picture
-1. Why React-
-2. Tradeoffs
-3. Why Not React-
2 React- Getting Started
-1. The Basics
-2. Modern JavaScript Crash Course
-3. The GitHub Cards App
-4. The Star Match Game
-5. Setting up a Development Environment
-1. The Basics
-2. Modern JavaScript Crash Course
-3. The GitHub Cards App
-4. The Star Match Game
-5. Setting up a Development Environment
3 React Fundamentals
-1. Introducing React
-2. Components
-3. JSX
-4. Events
-5. Forms
-6. State
4 Using React Hooks
-1. Start Using React Hooks with useState, useEffect, and useRef
-2. Using More Hooks- useContext, useReducer, useCallback, and useMemo
-3. Migrating Your Existing Apps to React Hooks
-4. Learn How to Combine Existing React Hooks into New Combined Hooks
-5. Integrating Authentication into Your App with React Hooks
5 Securing React Apps with Auth0
-1. Authorization and Authentication Standards
-2. Create a React App
-3. Configure Auth0
-4. Implement Login
-5. Logout, Signup, and User Profile
-6. API Authorization Fundamentals
-7. API Authorization with Scopes, Rules, and Roles
-8. Customization and Enhancements
6 Building Applications with React and Flux
-1. Intro
-10. Flux Demos
-2. Environment Setup
-3. React Core Concepts
-4. Creating React Components
-5. Props, State, Lifecycle Methods, and Keys
-6. Hooks, Component Composition, and PropTypes
-7. React Router
-8. Forms
-9. Flux
7 Building Applications with React and Redux
-1. Intro
-10. Async Writes in Redux
-11. Async Status and Error Handling
-12. Testing React
-13. Testing Redux
-14. Production Builds
-2. Environment Build
-3. React Component Approaches
-4. Initial App Structure
-5. Intro to Redux
-6. Actions, Stores, and Reducers
-7. Connecting React to Redux
-8. Redux Flow
-9. Async in Redux
8 Building Scalable React Apps
-1. Getting Started
-2. An Introduction to Building Components with react-boilerplate
-3. Loading Data from the Server with Redux-saga
-4. Handling Events with Redux-saga
-5. Styling Your Components with CSS
-6. Adding Routes to your Application
-7. Building Forms to Gather User Input
-8. Achieving Component Reuse
-9. Tackling a Realistically Complex Feature with Your New Skills
9 Styling React Components
-1. UIs in React
-2. Inline Styles
-3. Radium
-4. A Webpack Intro for CSS
-5. CSS Stylesheet
-6. CSS Modules
10 Advanced React.js
-1. Introduction
-2. Full-stack JavaScript with React.js
-3. Working with an Asynchronous API
-4. The Context API and Higher Order Components
-5. Subscribing to State
-6. Performance Optimization
-7. Production Deployment Best Practices
11 Testing React Applications with Jest
-1. Course Introduction
-2. Understanding Testing
-3. Introduction to Jest
-4. Test Running with Jest
-5. Mocking Functions and Modules
-6. Snapshot Testing
-7. Testing Components
-8. Advanced Jest Matchers
-9. Conclusion
12 Building a Full Stack App with React and Express
-1. Structure of Full Stack Applications
-2. Configuring the Development Environment with Webpack and Babel
-3. Implementing React Components and Redux State
-4. Creating Persistent Data Storage with Node, Express, and MongoDB
-5. Integrating React View Layers with Persistent Data
-6. Authentication Concepts
-7. Deployment Concepts
-8. Conclusion